About Us

Welcome to Brixham WI

The women of Brixham WI enjoying  meal together

We meet on the third Wednesday of every month at Brixham Cricket Club in a spacious comfortable ground floor room with plenty of car parking available. Other events are held at various accessible venues in Brixham.

For the main meeting, doors open at 2.00 and the meeting starts at 2.15, giving time to buy some raffle tickets and pay a small amount for tea and biscuits. After singing Jerusalem we listen to the speaker, then have tea & chat and view entries in the monthly single flower competition. After that the President brings everyone up to date with news and future events – there’s always something planned.

If you like to ‘try before you buy,’ you are welcome to come to up to 3 meetings/activities before being asked for your subscription (rates are set by the National Federation of WIs), though we would be very happy if you bought some raffle tickets.  Subscriptions are due in April, or pro rota for those joining mid-year. If you know you’d like to join, you can join without visiting first.

As a Brixham WI member you will also belong to the Devon Federation and the National Federation of WIs.  Both these publish magazines (Devon News and WI Life respectively) and organise events you can attend (most incur a small charge).   There is a county page on Facebook and a national website, thewi.org.uk for more information. Twice a year we get together with Stoke Gabriel and Galmpton& Churston WIs.

At a local level, there is a wide range of activities in addition to the monthly meeting, aiming to offer something for everyone. Common to all activities is warmth, friendship and laughter.  Some things, such as craft, lunch, book share (there are two) walks (there are two of differing lengths) lunch, colouring, sewing and coffee are regular, the Thursday Murder Club is a winter activity. On an ad hoc basis things like pottery, silver work, gold foiling, drumming, boat trips. cream teas are arranged.  Many activities have been instigated or organised by members and we aim for variety.

Between meetings we communicate with members via email, brixhamwi@gmail.com , Facebook and the blog brixhamwi.blogspot.co.uk.   Just put Brixham WI into the search engine to see what we’ve been up to in the past

So, joining Brixham WI means you’d be joining the largest Women’s organisation in the country!  It is a democratic, non-political organisation, which has been campaigning for over 100 years.   You are welcome to join us and we look forward to seeing you soon

You are very welcome to join us!

You can also check our blog for all our latest news and activities: brixhamwi.blogspot.co.uk